AIIC UK & Ireland

Why use AIIC interpreters?

Members of AIIC are professionals who provide high-quality interpreting. They abide by a code of ethics and enjoy the trust of international organisations, governments and the private sector.

How do you find an interpreter who will provide a high-quality service and respect the confidential nature of your discussions or documents? Look no further than AIIC. Membership of our Association is the gold standard in the interpreting profession, synonymous with quality, ethics and professionalism.

─── Did you know?

───       AIIC members have undertaken to abide by a set of professional and ethical standards developed and regularly updated by the Association.

───       These standards are designed to ensure that AIIC interpreters give their clients the security of knowing that their message is being conveyed as faithfully as possible and that confidentiality is maintained.

Don’t just take our word for it! We have been the trusted partner of international organisations from the very beginning of our existence, for over 60 years. AIIC has negotiated agreements – for all interpreters – with the EU, the UN, NATO, the WCO, the Council of Europe and many others.

Heads of state and government, leaders of international, regional and local organisations, environmental, humanitarian, agricultural, trade and financial institutions, research bodies, professional associations, universities and others all use AIIC interpreters.

Our mandate is to set the pace in the conference interpreting industry in the interests of clients, AIIC members and the wider community of interpreters.

AIIC encourages research, training, and continuous professional development to ensure that its members remain ahead of the curve and serve their clients better.

Anze Furlan / iStockphoto